
Patranfor Windows


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Gabriela Haynes
Gabriela Haynes
Appsitory Reviewer

Quality software for engineers

MSC. Patran is an interactive software product with open architecture, providing integration of the automated systems of design, modeling, analysis, and evaluation of the calculation results.

The use of MSC.Patran in combination with the other MSC.Software products allow you to reach the highest efficiency in estimating the operability and optimality of the product design during its development, manufacturing, and operation before the prototypes are produced and tested. This program is available for Windows, so that we will tell you more about it.

What is this program?

MSC.Patran for Windows has advanced tools for generating finite element meshes, giving this process a degree of flexibility and automation that was unattainable. Loading and boundary conditions can be linked to geometric and limited element categories. Advanced visualization tools (including isosurfaces) help speed up and improve the quality of the calculation results analysis — the MSC's controlled graphical interface. Patran and the interactive help system provide high efficiency and convenience working with this software product.

How does this software work?

The MSC.Patran software has a Patran Command Language (PCL) that allows you to adapt the functions and interface of the software to specific user requirements.

When you use MSC.Patran, a geometric model, is usually the basis of the created finite element system. MSC.Patran provides direct access to the results of geometric modeling in the most popular CAD software packages worldwide. The MSC.Patran software also has proprietary features for creating and modifying geometric models and controlling CAD geometry and its conversion before building a finite element model.

When preparing a finite element model, the MSC.Mvision digital information system can be used to specify material properties and MSC.Patran has a direct interface to it.

What is this program used for?

MSC.Patran is used not only to work with the calculation of the MSC.Software company. It is also integrated at a high level with the analysis systems of many famous firms. Program interfaces for many "solver" programs can be ordered in MSC.Software. Independent development companies also offer them.

MSC.Patran also has "internal" practical tools for analyzing thermal processes and hydraulic circuits (MSC.Patran Thermal), designing composite structures (MSC.Patran Laminate Modeler), and a task management system (MSC.Patran Analysis Manager).

Program features

MSC.Patran has the following features:

  • Direct access to CAD geometry;

  • Integration with both MSC and third-party analysis systems;

  • A graphical interface based on the OSF Motif standard;

  • An interactive contextual online help;

  • The Patran Command Language (PCL) for creating special functions and integrating your software developments into the MSC.Patran environment;

  • The controlled generation of 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional meshes;

  • Application of loads, boundary conditions, material properties, and elements to geometric primitives;

  • Graphical identification and visual displaying of alternating loads and temperature-dependent material properties;

  • Comprehensive analysis capabilities, including color and vector display, isosurfaces, flow lines, animations, and graphics;

  • The ability to create and modify geometric models;

  • Effective color graphics;

  • Organization of multi-user use through network licensing;

  • Automatic recording of all executable commands in a special file with the ability to reuse it (for example, for parametric studies);

  • Compatibility of the data recorded in a "neutral" format with the previous versions of MSC.Patran;

  • Direct access to the MSC.Mvision material properties database.

Graphical user interface

MSC.Patran for Windows has a user-friendly and intuitive interface that includes the following:

  • Compatibility with the OSF Motif standard;

  • Full-screen menu system;

  • The ability to interrupt the execution of commands;

  • Data entry via a mouse and keyboard;

  • The ability to choose between "drag-box" and "polygon" methods;

  • The ability to identify entities by number and by indicating them on the screen;

  • The possibility to renumber primitives;

  • The opportunity to access any MSC.Patran function at any time;

  • The ability to customize the menu to make it as user-friendly as possible.

Geometric modeling

MSC.Patran for Windows has extensive possibilities for geometric modeling. They include:

  • A comprehensive set of commands for creating and modifying geometric models;

  • A group of basic primitives, including bounded surfaces and three-parameter solids and volumes;

  • Various options for creating geometry, such as moving, rotating, scaling, reflecting, gliding, extraction, rounding, move and rotate extrusions, decomposition, intersection, extending, projecting, and many more;

  • The ability to combine multiple surfaces, including overlapping, non-contiguous, and with holes, into a single bounded surface for subsequent meshing;

  • The ability to connect several curves into a single turn;

  • The ability to create geometry through a series of transformations;

  • The ability to define local coordinate systems, including Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical ones, with any location and orientation;

  • The ability to calculate mass-inertial characteristics of geometric and finite element models.

  • User-friendly interface
  • Advanced functionality
  • Integration with other analysis systems
  • Challenging to master for beginners
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