
Code::Blocksfor Mac


App info

20.64 MB
Joseph Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Appsitory Reviewer

A powerful free tool for coding small projects

What is Code::Blocks?

Code::Blocks is a free and open-source integrated development environment. This tool is easy to use and will be useful for programmers or software developers. It has a wide range of code and design features. The application works as a graphical user interface tool.

With Code::Blocks, you can use templates to work on your projects. However, this does not limit your possibilities, and you can redo these templates however you like. This allows you to use the proposed functions and work independently with your codes. You can also customize the provisioning for yourself, thanks to plugins.

Your opportunities at work

The main functions of the application are debugging and compiler support. You can get multi-threading support using the debugger. The program will find an error in the code on any of the layers. There are also several compilers for converting source code into commands for the machine. The program supports GCC (MingW / GNU GCC), MSVC++, Digital Mars, Borland C++ 5.5, etc.

Code::Blocks also has several opportunities to optimize processes. For example, you can duplicate the same code and see how different parts affect each other. There is also a code auto-completion function. This feature isn't perfect, but it still helps to debug and add code or reproduce keywords. The program has some useful tools for multi-purpose projects, and you can even import MSVC and Dev-C++ projects and workspaces.

Interface and usage

Code::Blocks has a reasonably straightforward interface and is easy to use. However, if you are new to programming, setting it up can be a challenge. Fortunately, the app has some tutorials that can help you out. Once you understand, it will be easier for you to use the program's tools and install additional features.

However, there are some downsides to using Code::Blocks. One of them is the imperfect work of code autocompletion. You will have to fill in and review the code yourself to make sure it is correct. The coding is also dense to read, making it challenging to pick out specific lines of code. Also, this program is only suitable for small projects as only one main function file is allowed in tandem on a single system.

Should I download Code::Blocks for Mac?

If you are looking for a good and free tool for developing small projects - Code::Blocks is still a good solution. It is written in C++, is easy to use, and has many useful features. Thanks to this, you can easily create Qt applications and plugins. Also supports multiple compilers and a debugger for convenience. The developers of Code::Blocks still support the program and release updates to it. However, there are quite a few genuinely innovative and powerful functions. Code::Blocks has many other smaller components as well. It has a custom build system, support for parallel builds, breakpoint management, a call stack, and a custom memory dump. You can also switch between streams and much more, which you will understand already during work.

However, it is suitable for small projects and gives you all the resources to help you build.

  • Multi-threading support
  • Can open empty projects
  • Blank project templates to give you creative freedom
  • Strong inter-project dependency set-up
  • Must have Qt tools pre-installed
  • Dense coding
  • Poor code completion
  • Lots of limitations
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