How to Reduce the File Size of an Image or Picture

Gabriela Haynes
1 year ago

The file size of an image or picture can be reduced to save space and improve performance. This makes them easier to share, store, and display on websites. We will tell you about various methods you can use to reduce the file size of your images without sacrificing too much quality.

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How to Reduce the File Size of an Image or Picture on Android

There are several ways to reduce the file size of an image or picture on Android. 

  • First, you can change the resolution of the photo before saving it. This will reduce the quality and detail of the image, but also its storage size. To do this from your camera app, tap ‘Settings’, then ‘Resolution’ and select a lower-resolution option (e.g. 2MP) for saving your images in future. 
  • Another way to reduce file size on Android is to compress images before you save them or upload them online. You can accomplish this with third-party apps, such as JPEG Optimizer and TinyPNG Compress & Resize Image that offer various compression settings depending on your requirements. Alternatively, you can use an online service, such as Compress Image to quickly and easily reduce the file size of your pictures without having to download any additional software. 
  • If you’d like to further reduce image file sizes but keep the same quality, consider using a lossless format, such as PNG instead of JPEG. This will give you smaller files that look just as good, but won’t take up so much space. To do this, save your images in PNG format rather than JPEG when given the option in your camera or photo editor app. 

These steps will help you effectively reduce the file size of images and pictures on Android while still keeping them looking great.

How to Reduce the File Size of an Image or Picture on Windows

Now that you have all of the prerequisites, it’s time to reduce your image or picture file size. There are a few different methods you can use depending on the type of file and your software. 

  • If you’re using Windows Photo Gallery, open the image in question. Then click “Organize” from the menu bar at the top of the window and select “Make a Copy” from the dropdown list. This will create an exact duplicate of your original photo but with a reduced quality level and/or resolution (depending on which settings you choose). You can also find this by going to File>Save As… for older versions of Windows Photo Gallery. 
  • Another option is to use a free online image resizer, such as This website will allow you to upload your picture and reduce the file size without losing any quality. All you need to do is select the “reduce file size” option and choose the desired resolution before downloading the new version of your image. 
  • Finally, if you have Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer, the process is even simpler. Just open up the image in question, go to File>Save for Web & Devices, then adjust the settings until you reach your desired file size. You can also try adjusting other options like sharpening or quality level if needed. 

No matter which method you decide to use, reducing an image or picture file size can be a quick and easy way to save space on your computer. With the right tools, you’ll be able to maintain the quality of your images while keeping the file size as small as possible. And remember: always make sure to back up your original photo before making any changes.

How to Reduce the File Size of an Image or Picture on Mac

There are several ways to reduce the file size of an image or picture on a Mac. 

  • One way is to use Preview, the built-in Apple image viewer and editor. After opening your image in Preview, select File > Export from the menu bar and choose one of the preset options or adjust compression levels manually. 
  • Another option is to use a web-based app, such as ImageOptim, which can be used for free online with no download required. It provides an easy drag-and-drop interface for optimizing images without any visible quality loss. 
  • Finally, third-party apps like Squash offer even more advanced features, such as batch processing and support for multiple formats like JPEG and PNG. 

All of these methods can help you quickly reduce the file size of an image or picture on Mac so you can save storage space and upload them quickly.

How to Reduce the File Size of an Image or Picture on iOS

If you want to reduce the file size of a picture or image on your iOS device, one of the easiest ways is to use an app. There are many apps available from the App Store that can help with this task. Many of these apps are free and allow you to quickly reduce the size of an image without having to do any manual work. 

  • One popular choice for reducing an image’s file size is TinyPNG. It is a free app that uses lossless compression techniques to reduce the file size of images and pictures while preserving their quality. All you have to do is select up to 20 photos at once, wait a few seconds as they compress, then download them onto your device. 
  • Another option is ImageOptim. It is a free app that optimizes the size of JPEG, PNG and GIF images. You can select multiple images at once to maximize your time efficiency or you can choose to manually adjust the quality of each image for better results. 
  • If you are looking for a more powerful program, then Adobe Photoshop Express is a great choice. This app is free but also offers additional features if you upgrade to the premium version. With this app, you can resize, crop and transform photos with ease while reducing their file size significantly. 

No matter what type of image or picture you want to reduce the file size of, these three apps should be able to help you achieve your goal.

In conclusion

In conclusion, there are several ways to reduce the file size of a picture or image. You can resize it, compress it, convert it to another format, such as JPEG, BMP or PNG, and use online tools like TinyPNG. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, in all cases you should aim for the highest possible quality while keeping an acceptable level of compression. It is also important to keep in mind that some platforms require certain formats for images so make sure to check their requirements before making any changes.