How to delete page in Word

Gabriela Haynes
1 year ago

Once you have finished making the changes to your document, it is important to know how to delete a page in Word. There are several ways that you can do this depending on what kind of document you are working with and how much content is on the page. So we will tell you more about them.

Table of contents:

Delete a page with content

Deleting a page with content in Word is not difficult, but it does take a little bit of time. Here are the steps to follow: 

  1. Select all of the content on the page you want to delete by pressing CTRL + A on your keyboard. This will highlight all of the text and images on that page. 
  2. Right-click anywhere within the selection and choose “Delete” from the menu that appears. This will remove everything from the page you selected. 
  3. Once everything has been removed, click on the “Page Layout” tab at the top of your document window and select “Breaks” from the list of options on this tab. 
  4. Select “Next Page” from the list of page break options and then click “OK.” This will add a page break after the current page, thus deleting it from your document. 
  5. If you want to delete multiple pages at once, repeat steps 1-4 for each page you wish to delete until all unwanted pages have been removed from your document.

You now know how to delete a page with content in Word quickly and easily. Be sure to save regularly so that any changes you make are saved correctly.

Delete a page by deleting hard returns

Deleting hard returns in Word can be a great way to delete unwanted pages without having to manually remove each element. This is particularly useful when dealing with large documents with multiple pages. Here’s how you can use the Delete Hard Returns feature in Word: 

  1. Select the text that you would like to delete, including the page breaks. To select all text from one page to another, press and hold Shift + Ctrl + End. This will select all of the text from where your cursor is until the end of the document or until it reaches a manual page break. 
  2. Go to Home>Delete (or Right-Click+Delete) and choose “Delete Hard Returns” from the dropdown menu to remove the page breaks.
  3. Your text should now appear as one continuous page. To make sure that your content has not been disrupted, you can check if all of the data is still in its original place and format. 
  4. When you are satisfied with the result, click Save to store your changes. 

By using this method, you can quickly delete multiple pages in a document without needing to manually erase each element or disrupt the flow of information on the remaining pages. This feature is particularly useful when working with large documents that need restructuring or reorganizing.

Delete a page by deleting a manual page break

It is possible to delete a page break in Word. This can be done manually or by using the Delete Page Break command. 

Manually Deleting a Page Break: 

  1. Open your document.
  2. Select where you want to remove the page break.
  3. Press “Backspace” or “Delete” on your keyboard – this will delete the page break and place all the remaining content after the break onto that same page. 

Using The Delete Page Break Command: 

  1. Open your document and select where you want to delete the page break.
  2. Go to Layout Tab > Page Setup Group > Breaks drop-down menu and select Remove Page Break.
  3. Click OK.

This will delete the manual page break from your document and all content after that break will be placed on the same page.  It is important to note that this won’t delete any built-in section breaks, which are located in the Breaks drop-down menu as well. To remove these, you must use the Delete command within that drop-down menu.

Delete a page by deleting a section break

To delete an entire page from a document, you will need to delete the section break associated with that page. Section breaks are used to divide documents into different sections. They are used to change formatting settings such as page orientation and margins. To remove the section break and thus, the page: 

  1. Open your Microsoft Word document that contains the page you want to delete 
  2. Place your cursor at the end of the last line of text on the page before it 
  3. Press “Ctrl + A” which selects all of the content in your document 
  4. Go to Home > Find & Select > Select Object 
  5. In the Find & Select menu, select “Section Breaks” from the “Find what” list 
  6. Press enter, and it will highlight the section break in your document 
  7. Press “Delete” to remove the section break, thus deleting the page entirely 
  8. Save your document as usual. 

Keep in mind that deleting a section break could affect formatting settings such as page orientation or margins for remaining pages in your document. Be sure to double-check your work before finalizing anything.

In conclusion

To conclude, deleting a page in Microsoft Word is a simple process that requires minimal effort. You can delete the entire page in one click or use the Backspace key to remove individual elements from the document. 

Additionally, you can also customize your preferences in the Page Layout tab to better control how pages are deleted and added. By becoming familiar with these tools and features, as well as understanding more about working with different types of documents, you can make editing and formatting much easier.