– Login Admin

John Smith
1 year ago IP Address

The IP address is a private IP address commonly used by home networking and WiFi routers, falling under the Class C range. This IP address is not directly connected to the Internet, which means data cannot be transmitted to or from this IP from an outside source with an Internet connection. It’s typically used as a default gateway in routers, allowing devices within the network to communicate with the router.

Default Logins for

The most common login credentials for routers using the IP address are username: admin and password: admin. However, these can vary depending on the router’s brand. Other popular combinations include admin/password, admin/1234, or even none/admin. It’s crucial to check the router’s manual or the label on the router itself for the default credentials.

Login Steps

To log in to the router admin panel:

  1. Connect to the network and open a web browser.
  2. Enter in the address bar.
  3. On the login page, enter the username and password.
  4. Once the credentials are entered correctly, you’ll gain access to the router’s admin panel.

If you encounter issues logging in, make sure the IP address is entered correctly without extra spaces or misspellings.


If you’re unable to access the login page, ensure that you’re connected to the correct network and that you’ve entered the IP address correctly. If the default password has changed and you don’t have access, you can reset the router to its factory settings by pressing and holding the reset button for a few seconds. However, be aware that this will erase any custom settings on the router.

About the IP Address

The IP address is predominantly used in private networks, especially for router administration. This address is part of a block that contains over 65,000 other private IP addresses. Routers using this IP address, like those from Linksys and Alcatel, assign private IP addresses from the same range to devices on the network.